Anti-Siphon and Stop Diesel Theft
We eliminate normal day-to-day diesel theft by fitting designed, logical and field-tested equipment, with the sole mission to truly reduce fuel theft. We have developed a range of products that have no equivalent in the market.
We address the whole fuel system – from cap, pick-up, sump plug and fuel lines. By effectively addressing this with patented innovations, we stop daily fuel theft. No wonder we are the national standard for various large fleets, mining and construction companies.
Invention in anti-siphon technology: Patent ZA2010/1363- PCT 2008/4142 & ZA2011-6647
Baffle plate, Internal Mesh insert, 2-6 mm holes/groves and 20 Rockwell Plus hardness
Patented internal Stainless Steel Mesh for improved Flow Rate and Secure Prevention to fuel access. Short or long units - Short units limit access to the fuel at the top of the tank.
Patented - Baffle plate, side fuelling, 20 Rockwell Plus hardness (Domex), 2-6 mm holes, stainless steel mesh wire insert.
iCerMax Devices - Why quality and functionality is more important than price.
These are NOT our devices below - all you need is a single one 5mm hole for direct access to your fuel
With unique propriety and patented features:
- Stop -Side fueling on BP Fuelmaster, eFuel & EasyFuel (Patented)
- The use of hardened metals Rockwell 20+ (Patented)
- Hole/grooves/narrow slots size between 2-6 mm (Patented)
- The use of a baffle plate (Patented)
- Internal Stainless steel wire mesh (patented)
- Prevent all access to fuel
- Excellent Flow rates above 150 ltr/pm
- NEW -Short unit prevent access to top fuel inside the device, still maintaining high flow rates and superior fuel security
- Fitment with own designed CNC machined snap bolts
- Full range of products- Side fuel prevention, anti- siphon range –”(bronze, silver, gold and platinum)“ pick up
covers, steel hose connections, fuel line clamps - Fitment to all trucks (large to small 1 toners), construction and farming equipment
- OEM recommended and approved
- National infrastructure in main centers
"Simply the best" and most effective device to prevent fuel theft, developed over the years in Africa. As fuel theft is not a new phenomenon, as in other countries.
Only access, less than 10 mm to top tank
Main features that ensure un-equivalent protection
- Un equivalent protection to fuel access - Superior design and functionality.
- NEW Short unit - prevent access to fuel inside device (see below), less than 10 mm to the top of tank.
- Internal stainless steel mesh wire -to provide excellent flow rates and superior access protection.
- Unaligned baffle plates - tigh welded for physical strength.
- Small narrow slots - prevent access as thieves will steal fuel, through a single
5mm round hole. - Easy snap-off bolt installation, but removal only through physical drilling.
- Physically manufactured for strength and functionality.
- "Simply the best" device in the market, that saves money.
The use of hardened metals (Domex or Armour plates) with a baffle plate is the only effective way to stop innovative thieves from gasoline theft. Where there is no space constraints, we fit “the Custodian “custom devices externally for total effective control and diesel conservation. They even work cross border into Africa.
iCerMax manufactures devices to prevent fuel theft from all makes of trucks large or small, bakkies, yellow goods, construction equipment, tractors, generators & fuel main bulk tanks - in short, anything that uses fuel. We custom manufacture to you and your equipment ‘s requirements, based on material, length, grooves or holes and fitment method. We have years of experience and do fitment to large national fleets.
We have over the years developed a holistic approach to hinder fuel theft. Therefore we address all access points to fuel -not just the fuel cap.
The physical protection of fuel is vital as fuel is an escalating material operational cost, therefore the installation of anti siphoning devices that “work” is crucial. Buying inferior devices or simply buying on price, is the most costly, as the fuel is not protected from theft.
Invention in anti-siphon technology: Patent ZA2010/1363 - PCT 2008/4142 & ZA2011-6647
Baffle plate, Internal Mesh, 2-6 mm holes/groves and 20 Rockwell Plus hardness
Patented internal Stainless Steel Mesh for improved Flow Rate and Secure Prevention to fuel access. Short or long units - Short units limit access to the fuel at the top of the tank.
Invention in anti-siphon technology: Patent ZA2010/1363-PCT2008/4142 & ZA2011-6647
Stainless steel wire mesh inserts prevent all access to fuel and trap large contamination particles from entering the fuel tank. Excellent Flow rates above 150 ltr/pm
Limit access to FUEL in top of tanks with the New SHORT custodian. Excellent flow rates are still maintained with our patented internal stainless steel mesh insert and with our patented double UN aligned baffle plates, which also enhances the protection of the access to the fuel. Not as per the unit on the right where diesel is easily stolen due to its deep tank access and side holes.
We eliminate normal day-to-day diesel theft by fitting designed, logical and field tested equipment with the sole mission to truly reduce fuel theft.
We have developed a range of products that have no equivalent in the market
With the Custodian it is totally impossible to access the fuel without physically attacking the robust device itself and impossible if fitted with our wire mesh inserts.
Caution: buying an anti -siphon device purely based on price is a costly mistake. The difference between effective design, quality materials and construction and a “cheap device “ is only a few litres of fuel easily lost in one month. The device has to protect access to the fuel and ensure longevity. Fuel is an ever rising commodity and therefore requires effective protection.
Invention in anti siphon technology: Patent ZA2010/1363 & ZA2011-6647
Stainless steel wire mesh inserts to prevent all access to fuel and trap large contamination particles from entering the fuel tank.
Patented internal Stainless Steel Mesh for improved Flow Rate and ultra-Secure Prevention to prevent fuel access.
Stainless steel wire mesh insert in anti- siphon devices.
Custom made to fit our range of anti -siphon devices
Easy installation - as it fits with a steel insert
Can’t be removed without visibly damaging the unit
Even more effective with our custodian range of anti-siphon devices, which limits access to fuel, due to their patented design.
Protected under our Patents
The following photographs are a clear example of undetected fuel siphoning in one of the countries biggest fleets. Only one 8mm hole was drilled in the centre of the anti-siphoning device. This allowed for sufficient access to steal the required quota of diesel.
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Holes made bigger in the centre of the anti – siphoning device, so as to accommodate small pipes of 8mm for diesel siphoning. The use of electric pumps, for example a windscreen wiper motor provides a solid flow rate out of these small holes and your battery even provides the current.
Most market sold devices have standard large hole sizes in excess of 8mm; they don’t serve as barriers and are only a hindrance with a nuisance value.
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A single bottom plate protection simply doesn't provide security of the fuel, even if there is a double plate with a unit's length in between. The baffle plate has to be close and unaligned to ensure that there can be no access to your fuel.
Round holes, honey comb shapes and slots don't work.
Easy to ensure fuel theft through slots, as thieves simply force access mechanically.
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One can even consolidate all the small pipes into one, and then a full flow siphoning action is made easy.
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It is easy to remove the inferior “anti-theft devices” for easier fueling - how does this device protect your fuel? | ![]() |
Ideal for rough environments |
Fuel pick up covers
Fuel pick up covers are the next logical place for fuel theft to occur - some brands open up easily with even no tools needed, with just a turn and “click” Fuel pick up covers:
- Prevents not just fuel theft, but physically protect the fuel
pick up - Prevents fuel contamination when opened for fuel.
- Provides the ideal fitment place for the iCerMax fuel tank breather
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Sump drain plugs, fuel drain plugs and fuel lines to be inspected and if found to be inadequate there are solid ways to seal them.
If you have a fleet and think that you have no diesel theft, you just aren’t aware of it!
From large construction equipment to small trucks where clearance is a problem, we use a range of adaptors.
The ARMOUR is the only Anti – theft/siphoning device in the world made from ARMOUR PLATE metal, it even stops an AK 47 bullet. Functionally designed to address more than just siphoning (Patented)
- You can’t drill it, crowbar it, screwdriver force it with large hammers - can’t destroy it. 100 % ARMOUR plate structure.
- iCerMax insured fuel tags function on – eFuel , BP FuelMaster and EasyFuel
- Quantity dispensed is quantity in your fuel tank
- Prevents “top” level siphoning
- With only 4mm holes, a baffle plate and limited access from above, no small siphoning pipe can fit into it with the use of wiper pump motors
- Flow rates are no problem
- Fitment is non removable by driver, thus permanent
- Will not leak
- Totally user friendly
It doesn’t matter how good your fuel record or bench marking is, daily limited siphoning will not be detected. Nobody can accurately bench mark 100% as there are multiple variables in bench marking: -Driver, load, traffic, weather, vehicle, services, tyres, trailer and empty legs all impact directly on bench marking – even a 5-10% variance is problematic.
The total fuel quantity dispensed at the pump is the same fuel quantity pumped into the fuel tank
The biggest problem with the fuel tag system is that there is no guarantee / control that the quantity of fuel pumped actually went into fuel tank, as per the attached photos and video, the card reader and nozzle just have to be in the proximity of one another. The “New “ updated current systems still have the same problem, just the distance of proximity in smaller.
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All the Fuel Tag systems, both new and old, are not controlling diesel flow direction. Fuel nozzles are simply placed near the “ring” and fuel is dispensed.
Major fuel volumes are misappropriated, as end users are relaying on only the liter volume pumped not realising that a considerable quantity of fuel did not even enter the fuel tank.
Just calculate the monthly fleet fuel theft cost of five liters per fill.
Efuel, BP Fuel Master and Easy Fuel Theft Protection Devices to prevent side fueling
Our system ensures that the amount of fuel dispensed, is the exact amount of fuel pumped into the fuel tank, as the proximity activation can only be triggered with the dosng nozzle securely placed into the system. This forces the fuel down the pipe at full flow rate with no deviations possibility.
Remains in the fuel tank
There is a whole lot that can be said around this, as there are various possible ways to steal diesel from a truck, nearly the same amount of devices as to prevent theft.
The easiest way to prevent theft is to think fuel theft. Most anti–siphoning devices:
- Have no effective control for fuel tags during filling
- Have huge holes or are easily accessible for small pipes (motorised
or not) - Have structures that can be easily altered by drilling, bending,
forcing, etc.- access is only needed at one place/point - Are temporarily removable
- Leak between tank and device
This sounds simple but it isn’t, fuel theft is a major problem and an estimated 15-20% of fuel is stolen yearly (oil companies estimate), and is a growing material income source for drivers, who have ample time on their hands and years of fuel siphoning experience.
ARMOUR -Anti- theft/siphoning device
This solves the two biggest fraud elements of filling, i.e., did the fuel ever enter my fuel tank and equally important did it stay there?
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If you have a fleet and think that you have no diesel theft, you just aren’t aware of it!
Facts on diesel theft
- Diesel is a liquid currency- money ,food ,consumables and “personal favours“
- Diesel taxi’s ,garages ,diesel depots and “small” transport companies want your diesel
- “Bench marking” or fuel records is vital but limited to a variable percentage
- Side fueling is a Fact on all fuel tags and fuel cards
- Most anti-siphoning devises don’t work, and do not prevent side fueling
- Drivers are highly resourceful and see diesel theft as their “right” to complement their income and they utilize electric pumps, drills, pop rivets , fueling points etc. in their quest to siphon fuel
- The daily “redistribution” of 5-25ltr, 25-50ltr plus is the budget killer
- Diesel theft amounts to 15-20 % of all diesel sold in South Africa –ie., redistributed
- Water “ carriers” and spaza shops on the side of road are co-conspirators
- Fuel records accuracy = 48 hours. Detailed ground records, accurate km readings, active following-up on variances both manually or electronically, will still result in fuel loss due to variables and driver innovation.
- The client pays for the fuel, but you still lose money as it is formula- based
- Volume top-ups of stolen fuel with water dilution together with surfactants or oil- Parrafin mixes, or benzine
Fuel conservation plan
With the cost of oil and all the increases in various other commodities, this is what you can do to lower the impact:
- Accurate fuel records /bench marking
- Fit anti -siphoning /theft devices, pick –up covers and fuel line protection
- Utilize EasyFuel with side fuel protection
- Implement upstream filtration on fuel bousers, incl air breathers
- Install effective air breathers on vehicle fuel tanks
- Service vehicles per application
- Improve fuel lubricity and lower internal soot during combustion
- Train drivers - a major impact
- Route planning and scheduling
- Improve housekeeping on bowsers
Contact us and we will assist you in minimising your fuel theft with proven technology
Patent Title: a device for inhibiting unauthorised dispensing of fuel
Patent Appl. No 2007/10632
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"a device having any performations, even in the form of holes, narrow slots would fall into this catagory"You are in breach of this patent if a 5mm pipe/tube cannot be incerted through said device.
FuelWatch: Fleetwatch - Max Brown
Invention in anti-siphon technology: Patent ZA2010/1363- PCT 2008/4142 & ZA2011-6647
"a device having any perforation, even in the form of holes, narrow slots would fall into this catagory"
You are in breach of this patent if a 5mm pipe/tube cannot be incerted through said device.
We virtually eliminate normal day-to-day theft by fitting well-designed, logical and field-tested equipment, with the sole mission to truly reduce fuel theft. We have developed a range of products that have no equivalent in the market.
The only way a system works is if the total quantity of fuel dispensed into the fuel tank, lands in the fuel tank and remains in the fuel tank.